Project Background
The Village completed the extension of municipal water to over 170 properties and approximately 750 residents as part of a USDA Rural Development loan and grant project. The Village was able to also secure significant grant funding from other sources to minimize up-front, out-of-pocket expenses to the property owner. The additional grants helped to cover the private water lateral installation, plumbing conversion, and well abandonment.
See the sidebar links for project information, policy decisions, and documentation.
What is Public vs. Private?

Water main and services within the public right of way.
Existing Public Water Mains
These are primarily on Main Street and the Village has been paying the debt since 2008. Properties with an existing main must pay a water impact fee at the time of connection. (~ $7500-$7700)
New Water Main
These will be installed in 2021 and will be paid by a special assessment. This $15,000 Special Assessment will be applied to the tax bill that you will receive in November 2021 and payments will be spread out over 20 years. The interest rate is 2.25% and the annual payment is $940 per year.
Private property work is being completed by the Village’s contractor, Mid-City Corp, and is being paid for directly by Waukesha County and the Waukesha County Community Foundation. Properties must connect within the six months after the water main is installed in the street in front of the property.
Well abandonment costs will be paid as follows: The Waukesha County Community Foundation’s Quarry Fund has agreed to cover 100% of the well abandonment cost if the work is completed in conjunction with the Mid City Corporation contract. Individuals who have been awarded DNR Well Abandonment Grant funds will still need to use their DNR Grant funds first, and the Quarry Fund will cover the remaining balance. This is consistent with the Board’s desire to minimize upfront, out of pocket expenses related to the water project.