A “punch list” walk through has yet to occur related to the work of Mid City, the Village’s private property plumbing contractor. Mid City has a contractual obligation to come back for landscape restoration on the properties they disturbed. Mid City has completed some restoration work but will continue through July as they wrap up work on some remaining properties. The walk through will occur when Mid City indicates they are complete and ready for the walk through.
Be advised that Mid City’s obligation to landscape restoration is related to lawn, sidewalk, and driveways only. Per the property owner agreement with Mid City and the Village, the property owner is responsible for any restoration above and beyond this general restoration, including to flower beds.
If you have specific concerns related to Mid City’s landscape restoration, contact Ben Wood from Strand at 414.982.2300 x1504 or
The Village conducted a “punch list” walk through with Vinton, the public water main contractor, on Friday May 20th and Monday May 23rd. The purpose of the walk through was to generate a list of items to be completed or corrected. This included a review of each property affected by the public water main construction. Vinton and their subcontractors will be working over the course of the next few weeks to address the noted items. This includes some fine-grading and re-seeding on most properties. If you feel that something has still not been addressed AFTER the restoration has been done, please contact Isak from Strand at 414.982.2300 x1535.
Also be aware that a similar walk through has yet to occur related to the work of Mid City, the Village’s private property plumbing contractor. Mid City has a contractual obligation to come back for landscape restoration on the properties they disturbed. Mid City’s restoration work will likely begin in June.
The Village Board took action on May 24, 2022 to allow Mid City to continue to work on properties beyond the June 1, 2022 deadline on the condition that by that date 1) the owner of the property has completed their consent agreement to allow Mid City to do the work, and 2) Mid City has pulled a building permit to do the work on that property. Property owners that have not signed a consent agreement and have not had a building permit pulled for the work necessary to connect their property to municipal water on or before June 1, 2022 should prepare for enforcement action by the Village.
The following letter was sent via certified mail to properties that have water main available but have not connected as of 1/13/22.
- Mid City continues to work to connect private properties prior to the end of the year.
- Private property plumbing work on residential properties must be completed by 12/31/21 in order to remain grant eligible.
- Contact Mid-City to schedule construction.
- The scope of work includes electrical grounding and building inspection. Please be sure to keep these appointments once scheduled.
- The Well Operation Permit Form is now available for folks who want to keep their well. Visit the “Well Operation & Abandonment” tab of
- Even though the ordinance allows you 6 months to connect to municipal water, the CDBG grant money to pay for the conversion expires on 12/31/21. If you do not provide access to Mid-City immediately upon request from them, they may not be able to complete your property before the grant deadline and you will lose your grant allocation.
- Mid-City is actively scheduling plumbing conversion work in all project areas.
- Refusal to accommodate Mid-City’s schedule notice (such as telling them you will not let them on the property until after 12/1/21, or not until 12/31/21, or agreeing to a scheduled date and not showing up on that date) is denying the contractor access and will result in cancellation of your agreement. Refer to the Private Residential/Commercial Property Connection to Municipal Water Supply Agreement, available for viewing under the “Private Property Information” sidebar of this webpage. Section IV. ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY, addresses access as follows (emphasis added):
- “The OWNER acknowledges that the CONTRACTOR will require access to the PROPERTY to complete the private plumbing work. Access inside the building at the point where the proposed service pipe will enter into the building will be required. The CONTRACTOR will provide the OWNER with a 48-hour advance notice of the work. It is the responsibility of the OWNER to provide access to the CONTRACTOR on the date and time scheduled and to remain present during the scheduled work. Work will normally be done Monday to Friday between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. If the OWNER fails to provide access to the inside of the building, this AGREEMENT shall be canceled, and the OWNER will be responsible for connecting to the municipal water system within six months from the time that a water main is installed adjacent to the PROPERTY. If the AGREEMENT is cancelled, the OWNER will be responsible for all associated plumbing costs (approximately $7,000 to $10,000) and will not be eligible for grant monies covering the private property costs. Further, this AGREEMENT shall be automatically canceled if ownership of the PROPERTY has changed since the execution of this AGREEMENT, in which case a new AGREEMENT must be executed by the new OWNER. Inclement weather may require the CONTRACTOR to reschedule a new and mutually agreed upon date and time.”
- The Village Board approved a revised Well Operation Permit ordinance on 11/8/21 that would allow you 90 days after conversion to municipal water to submit a permit to keep your well for outside use or abandon the well. If you intend to keep your well for outdoor use, tell Mid-City so they do not remove your pressure tank. Wells abandoned within that timeframe will still be 100% covered by the Quarry Fund. Highlights of the proposed ordinance include:
- The intent of the ordinance is to mimic DNR Code NR 812 for well construction.
- The well only has to meet the construction requirements of the year it was built.
- Per NR 812, at the time the well is serviced, the well has to be upgraded to current standards
- The well is for outdoor use only, with no cross connections for internal use.
- An annual safe bacteria sample must be obtained.
- Property owners will have the right to cure construction or bacteria issues.
- See past updates regarding property owner access, commercial property funding levels, etc.
- Even though the ordinance allows you 6 months to connect to municipal water, the CDBG grant money to pay for the conversion expires on 12/31/21. If you do not provide access to Mid-City immediately upon request from them, they may not be able to complete your property before the grant deadline and you will lose your grant allocation.
- Mid-City is actively scheduling plumbing conversion work in all project areas.
- Refusal to accommodate Mid-City’s schedule notice (such as telling them you will not let them on the property until after 12/1/21, or not until 12/31/21, or agreeing to a scheduled date and not showing up on that date) is denying the contractor access and will result in cancellation of your agreement. Refer to the Private Residential/Commercial Property Connection to Municipal Water Supply Agreement, available for viewing under the “Private Property Information” sidebar of this webpage. Section IV. ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY, addresses access as follows (emphasis added):
- “The OWNER acknowledges that the CONTRACTOR will require access to the PROPERTY to complete the private plumbing work. Access inside the building at the point where the proposed service pipe will enter into the building will be required. The CONTRACTOR will provide the OWNER with a 48-hour advance notice of the work. It is the responsibility of the OWNER to provide access to the CONTRACTOR on the date and time scheduled and to remain present during the scheduled work. Work will normally be done Monday to Friday between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. If the OWNER fails to provide access to the inside of the building, this AGREEMENT shall be canceled, and the OWNER will be responsible for connecting to the municipal water system within six months from the time that a water main is installed adjacent to the PROPERTY. If the AGREEMENT is cancelled, the OWNER will be responsible for all associated plumbing costs (approximately $7,000 to $10,000) and will not be eligible for grant monies covering the private property costs. Further, this AGREEMENT shall be automatically canceled if ownership of the PROPERTY has changed since the execution of this AGREEMENT, in which case a new AGREEMENT must be executed by the new OWNER. Inclement weather may require the CONTRACTOR to reschedule a new and mutually agreed upon date and time.”
- The Village Board approved a revised Well Operation Permit ordinance on 11/8/21 that would allow you 90 days after conversion to municipal water to submit a permit to keep your well for outside use or abandon the well. If you intend to keep your well for outdoor use, tell Mid-City so they do not remove your pressure tank. Wells abandoned within that timeframe will still be 100% covered by the Quarry Fund. Highlights of the proposed ordinance include:
- The intent of the ordinance is to mimic DNR Code NR 812 for well construction.
- The well only has to meet the construction requirements of the year it was built.
- Per NR 812, at the time the well is serviced, the well has to be upgraded to current standards
- The well is for outdoor use only, with no cross connections for internal use.
- An annual safe bacteria sample must be obtained.
- Property owners will have the right to cure construction or bacteria issues.
- See past updates regarding property owner access, commercial property funding levels, etc.
- Even though the ordinance allows you 6 months to connect to municipal water, the CDBG grant money to pay for the conversion expires on 12/31/21. If you do not provide access to Mid-City immediately upon request from them, they may not be able to complete your property before the grant deadline and you will lose your grant allocation.
- The Village Board is contemplating a revised Well Operation Permit ordinance on 11/8/21 that would allow you 90 days after conversion to municipal water to submit a permit to keep your well for outside use or abandon the well. Wells abandoned within that timeframe will still be 100% covered by the Quarry Fund. Highlights of the proposed ordinance include:
- The intent of the ordinance is to mimic DNR Code NR 812 for well construction.
- The well only has to meet the construction requirements of the year it was built.
- Per NR 812, at the time the well is serviced, the well has to be upgraded to current standards
- The well is for outdoor use only, with no cross connections for internal use.
- An annual safe bacteria sample must be obtained.
- Property owners will have the right to cure construction or bacteria issues.
- See past updates regarding property owner access, commercial property funding levels, etc.
- Mid City will contact property owners after the water main has been installed to schedule completion of the private property work.
- Mid City will contact property owners after the water main has been installed to schedule completion of the private property work.
- Special Assessment letters were mailed out on Friday, October 15. So far, approximately 25 property owners have already paid off their special assessment balance.
- Mid City requests that property owners that have not provided access to the property do so immediately so they can complete the work prior to grants expiring on 12/31/21. Mid-City has over 150 properties to convert by that time. Contact Mid City at 262-781-5940 to get scheduled.
- Waukesha County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are used to help pay for private property construction. CDBG has provided official correspondence indicating that CDBG funds are only available to a property if the final plumbing conversion to municipal water is completed prior to December 31, 2021, unless the Village’s agreement is amended by the Village and approved by the CDBG Board. Property owners that do not complete the plumbing conversion by December 31, 2021 risk cancellation of grant funds allocated for their property.
- Your plumbing agreement will be cancelled if you do not provide access to Mid-City to complete the scope of work. Refer to the Private Residential/Commercial Property Connection to Municipal Water Supply Agreement, available for viewing under the “Private Property Information” sidebar of this webpage. Section IV. ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY, addresses access as follows:
- “The OWNER acknowledges that the CONTRACTOR will require access to the PROPERTY to complete the private plumbing work. Access inside the building at the point where the proposed service pipe will enter into the building will be required. The CONTRACTOR will provide the OWNER with a 48-hour advance notice of the work. It is the responsibility of the OWNER to provide access to the CONTRACTOR on the date and time scheduled and to remain present during the scheduled work. Work will normally be done Monday to Friday between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. If the OWNER fails to provide access to the inside of the building, this AGREEMENT shall be canceled, and the OWNER will be responsible for connecting to the municipal water system within six months from the time that a water main is installed adjacent to the PROPERTY. If the AGREEMENT is cancelled, the OWNER will be responsible for all associated plumbing costs (approximately $7,000 to $10,000) and will not be eligible for grant monies covering the private property costs. Further, this AGREEMENT shall be automatically canceled if ownership of the PROPERTY has changed since the execution of this AGREEMENT, in which case a new AGREEMENT must be executed by the new OWNER. Inclement weather may require the CONTRACTOR to reschedule a new and mutually agreed upon date and time.”
- Denying access includes actions such as not returning the Contractor’s attempt to reach you via phone, email, personal visits, or mail.
- The Waukesha County Community Foundation’s Village of Lannon Quarry Fund (WCCF Quarry Fund) will not pay for additional costs incurred due to a property owner denying Contractor access. Extra costs will include extra mobilizations, overtime pay, etc.
- You no longer need to provide a $920, out of pocket cost-share for well abandonment. The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved funding the full cost of private well abandonments, up to $1,840 per well.
- Mid City is already contracted to complete this work for residences.
- If you have already received a grant from the DNR for this work, those funds must be expended first.
- The Village Board has placed a temporary moratorium on the mandatory well abandonment aspect of the Village Ordinances. The Board will consider an ordinance revision that may allow private wells to be kept for outdoor use, but not for drinking water.
- Should you decide to keep your well, you will be responsible for costs associated with:
- Paying the additional plumbing and building permit costs associated with separating pipes in the structure so that the private well only supplies exterior fixtures for outdoor use.
- Hiring a Well Contractor to certify the well’s condition.
- Obtaining a well operating permit from the Village and complying with all requirements.
- Abandoning the well in the future if the well no longer produces safe water.
- The well will no longer be covered under the quarries’ well guarantee.
- The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved to fund commercial property private plumbing costs at the following levels.
- Up to $11,890 per property if the well is abandoned.
- Up to $10,050 if the well is not abandoned.
- For folks on existing water main, contact the Village Clerk regarding a 5-year payment plan option if you cannot pay your $7,692 impact fee in full at the time of connection.
- Mid City will contact property owners after the water main has been installed to schedule completion of the private property work.
- Special Assessment letters are scheduled to be mailed out on Friday, October 15.
- Waukesha County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are used to help pay for private property construction. CDBG has provided official correspondence indicating that CDBG funds are only available to a property if the final plumbing conversion to municipal water is completed prior to December 31, 2021, unless the Village’s agreement is amended by the Village and approved by the CDBG Board. Property owners that do not complete the plumbing conversion by December 31, 2021 risk cancellation of grant funds allocated for their property.
- Your plumbing agreement will be cancelled if you do not provide access to Mid-City to complete the scope of work. Refer to the Private Residential/Commercial Property Connection to Municipal Water Supply Agreement, available for viewing under the “Private Property Information” sidebar of this webpage. Section IV. ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY, addresses access as follows:
- “The OWNER acknowledges that the CONTRACTOR will require access to the PROPERTY to complete the private plumbing work. Access inside the building at the point where the proposed service pipe will enter into the building will be required. The CONTRACTOR will provide the OWNER with a 48-hour advance notice of the work. It is the responsibility of the OWNER to provide access to the CONTRACTOR on the date and time scheduled and to remain present during the scheduled work. Work will normally be done Monday to Friday between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. If the OWNER fails to provide access to the inside of the building, this AGREEMENT shall be canceled, and the OWNER will be responsible for connecting to the municipal water system within six months from the time that a water main is installed adjacent to the PROPERTY. If the AGREEMENT is cancelled, the OWNER will be responsible for all associated plumbing costs (approximately $7,000 to $10,000) and will not be eligible for grant monies covering the private property costs. Further, this AGREEMENT shall be automatically canceled if ownership of the PROPERTY has changed since the execution of this AGREEMENT, in which case a new AGREEMENT must be executed by the new OWNER. Inclement weather may require the CONTRACTOR to reschedule a new and mutually agreed upon date and time.”
- Denying access includes actions such as not returning the Contractor’s attempt to reach you via phone, email, personal visits, or mail.
- The Waukesha County Community Foundation’s Village of Lannon Quarry Fund (WCCF Quarry Fund) will not pay for additional costs incurred due to a property owner denying Contractor access. Extra costs will include extra mobilizations, overtime pay, etc.
- You no longer need to provide a $920, out of pocket cost-share for well abandonment. The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved funding the full cost of private well abandonments, up to $1,840 per well.
- Mid City is already contracted to complete this work for residences.
- If you have already received a grant from the DNR for this work, those funds must be expended first.
- The Village Board has placed a temporary moratorium on the mandatory well abandonment aspect of the Village Ordinances. The Board will consider an ordinance revision that may allow private wells to be kept for outdoor use, but not for drinking water.
- Should you decide to keep your well, you will be responsible for costs associated with:
- Paying the additional plumbing and building permit costs associated with separating pipes in the structure so that the private well only supplies exterior fixtures for outdoor use.
- Hiring a Well Contractor to certify the well’s condition.
- Obtaining a well operating permit from the Village and complying with all requirements.
- Abandoning the well in the future if the well no longer produces safe water.
- The well will no longer be covered under the quarries’ well guarantee.
- The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved to fund commercial property private plumbing costs at the following levels.
- Up to $11,890 per property if the well is abandoned.
- Up to $10,050 if the well is not abandoned.
- For folks on existing water main, contact the Village Clerk regarding a 5-year payment plan option if you cannot pay your $7,692 impact fee in full at the time of connection.
- Waukesha County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are used to help pay for private property construction. CDBG has provided official correspondence indicating that CDBG funds are only available to a property if the final plumbing conversion to municipal water is completed prior to December 31, 2021, unless the Village’s agreement is amended by the Village and approved by the CDBG Board. Property owners that do not complete the plumbing conversion by December 31, 2021 risk cancellation of grant funds allocated for their property.
- Your plumbing agreement will be cancelled if you do not provide access to Mid-City to complete the scope of work. Refer to the Private Residential/Commercial Property Connection to Municipal Water Supply Agreement, available for viewing under the “Private Property Information” sidebar of this webpage. Section IV. ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY, addresses access as follows:
- “The OWNER acknowledges that the CONTRACTOR will require access to the PROPERTY to complete the private plumbing work. Access inside the building at the point where the proposed service pipe will enter into the building will be required. The CONTRACTOR will provide the OWNER with a 48-hour advance notice of the work. It is the responsibility of the OWNER to provide access to the CONTRACTOR on the date and time scheduled and to remain present during the scheduled work. Work will normally be done Monday to Friday between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. If the OWNER fails to provide access to the inside of the building, this AGREEMENT shall be cancelled, and the OWNER will be responsible for connecting to the municipal water system within six months from the time that a water main is installed adjacent to the PROPERTY. If the AGREEMENT is cancelled, the OWNER will be responsible for all associated plumbing costs (approximately $7,000 to $10,000) and will not be eligible for grant monies covering the private property costs. Further, this AGREEMENT shall be automatically cancelled if ownership of the PROPERTY has changed since the execution of this AGREEMENT, in which case a new AGREEMENT must be executed by the new OWNER. Inclement weather may require the CONTRACTOR to reschedule a new and mutually agreed upon date and time.”
- Denying access includes actions such as not returning the Contractor’s attempt to reach you via phone, email, personal visits, or mail.
- The Waukesha County Community Foundation’s Village of Lannon Quarry Fund (WCCF Quarry Fund) will not pay for additional costs incurred due to a property owner denying Contractor access. Extra costs will include extra mobilizations, overtime pay, etc.
- You no longer need to provide a $920, out of pocket cost-share for well abandonment. The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved funding the full cost of private well abandonments, up to $1,840 per well.
- Mid City is already contracted to complete this work for residences.
- If you have already received a grant from the DNR for this work, those funds must be expended first.
- The Village Board has placed a temporary moratorium on the mandatory well abandonment aspect of the Village Ordinances. The Board will consider an ordinance revision that may allow private wells to be kept for outdoor use, but not for drinking water.
- Should you decide to keep your well, you will be responsible for costs associated with:
- Paying the additional plumbing and building permit costs associated with separating pipes in the structure so that the private well only supplies exterior fixtures for outdoor use.
- Hiring a Well Contractor to certify the well’s condition.
- Obtaining a well operating permit from the Village and complying with all requirements.
- Abandoning the well in the future if the well no longer produces safe water.
- The well will no longer be covered under the quarries’ well guarantee.
- The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved to fund commercial property private plumbing costs at the following levels.
- Up to $11,890 per property if the well is abandoned.
- Up to $10,050 if the well is not abandoned.
- For folks on existing water main, contact the Village Clerk regarding a 5-year payment plan option if you cannot pay your $7,692 impact fee in full at the time of connection
- Mid City will contact property owners after the water main has been installed to schedule completion of the private property work.
- Your plumbing agreement will be cancelled if you do not provide access to Mid-City to complete the scope of work. Refer to the Private Residential/Commercial Property Connection to Municipal Water Supply Agreement, available for viewing under the “Private Property Information” sidebar of this webpage. Section IV. ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY, addresses access as follows:
- “The OWNER acknowledges that the CONTRACTOR will require access to the PROPERTY to complete the private plumbing work. Access inside the building at the point where the proposed service pipe will enter into the building will be required. The CONTRACTOR will provide the OWNER with a 48-hour advance notice of the work. It is the responsibility of the OWNER to provide access to the CONTRACTOR on the date and time scheduled and to remain present during the scheduled work. Work will normally be done Monday to Friday between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. If the OWNER fails to provide access to the inside of the building, this AGREEMENT shall be cancelled, and the OWNER will be responsible for connecting to the municipal water system within six months from the time that a water main is installed adjacent to the PROPERTY. If the AGREEMENT is cancelled, the OWNER will be responsible for all associated plumbing costs (approximately $7,000 to $10,000) and will not be eligible for grant monies covering the private property costs. Further, this AGREEMENT shall be automatically cancelled if ownership of the PROPERTY has changed since the execution of this AGREEMENT, in which case a new AGREEMENT must be executed by the new OWNER. Inclement weather may require the CONTRACTOR to reschedule a new and mutually agreed upon date and time.”
- Denying access includes actions such as not returning the Contractor’s attempt to reach you via phone, email, personal visits, or mail.
- The Waukesha County Community Foundation’s Village of Lannon Quarry Fund (WCCF Quarry Fund) will not pay for additional costs incurred due to a property owner denying Contractor access. Extra costs will include extra mobilizations, overtime pay, etc.
- You no longer need to provide a $920, out of pocket cost-share for well abandonment. The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved funding the full cost of private well abandonments, up to $1,840 per well.
- Mid City is already contracted to complete this work for residences.
- If you have already received a grant from the DNR for this work, those funds must be expended first.
- The Village Board has placed a temporary moratorium on the mandatory well abandonment aspect of the Village Ordinances. The Board will consider an ordinance revision that may allow private wells to be kept for outdoor use, but not for drinking water.
- Should you decide to keep your well, you will be responsible for costs associated with:
- Paying the additional plumbing and building permit costs associated with separating pipes in the structure so that the private well only supplies exterior fixtures for outdoor use.
- Hiring a Well Contractor to certify the well’s condition.
- Obtaining a well operating permit from the Village and complying with all requirements.
- Abandoning the well in the future if the well no longer produces safe water.
- The well will no longer be covered under the quarries’ well guarantee.
- The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved to fund commercial property private plumbing costs at the following levels.
- Up to $11,890 per property if the well is abandoned.
- Up to $10,050 if the well is not abandoned.
- For folks on existing water main, contact the Village Clerk regarding a 5-year payment plan option if you cannot pay your $7,692 impact fee in full at the time of connection
- Mid City will contact property owners after the water main has been installed to schedule completion of the private property work. Mid City is resuming private property work starting on 8/30/21.
- You will become liable for additional private plumbing costs if reasonable access is not provided to the Contractor. Denying access includes actions such as not returning the Contractor’s attempt to reach you via phone, email, personal visits, or mail. Extra costs will include extra mobilizations, overtime pay, etc.
- The Waukesha County Community Foundation’s Village of Lannon Quarry Fund (WCCF Quarry Fund) will not pay for additional costs incurred due to a property owner denying Contractor access.
- You no longer need to provide a $920, out of pocket cost-share for well abandonment. The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved funding the full cost of private well abandonments, up to $1,840 per well.
- Mid City is already contracted to complete this work for residences.
- If you have already received a grant from the DNR for this work, those funds must be expended first.
- The Village Board has placed a temporary moratorium on the mandatory well abandonment aspect of the Village Ordinances. The Board will consider an ordinance revision that may allow private wells to be kept for outdoor use, but not for drinking water.
- Should you decide to keep your well, you will be responsible for costs associated with:
- Paying the additional plumbing and building permit costs associated with separating pipes in the structure so that the private well only supplies exterior fixtures for outdoor use.
- Hiring a Well Contractor to certify the well’s condition.
- Obtaining a well operating permit from the Village and complying with all requirements.
- Abandoning the well in the future if the well no longer produces safe water.
- The well will no longer be covered under the quarries’ well guarantee.
- The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved to fund commercial property private plumbing costs at the following levels.
- Up to $11,890 per property if the well is abandoned.
- Up to $10,050 if the well is not abandoned.
- For folks on existing water main, contact the Village Clerk regarding a 5-year payment plan option if you cannot pay your $7,692 impact fee in full at the time of connection
- Mid City will contact property owners after the water main has been installed to schedule completion of the private property work. Mid City is resuming private property work starting on 8/30/21.
- You will become liable for additional private plumbing costs if reasonable access is not provided to the Contractor. Denying access includes actions such as not returning the Contractor’s attempt to reach you via phone, email, personal visits, or mail. Extra costs will include extra mobilizations, overtime pay, etc.
- The Waukesha County Community Foundation’s Village of Lannon Quarry Fund (WCCF Quarry Fund) will not pay for additional costs incurred due to a property owner denying Contractor access.
- You no longer need to provide a $920, out of pocket cost-share for well abandonment. The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved funding the full cost of private well abandonments, up to $1,840 per well.
- Mid City is already contracted to complete this work for residences.
- If you have already received a grant from the DNR for this work, those funds must be expended first.
- The Village Board has placed a temporary moratorium on the mandatory well abandonment aspect of the Village Ordinances. The Board will consider an ordinance revision that may allow private wells to be kept for outdoor use, but not for drinking water.
- Should you decide to keep your well, you will be responsible for costs associated with:
- Paying the additional plumbing and building permit costs associated with separating pipes in the structure so that the private well only supplies exterior fixtures for outdoor use.
- Hiring a Well Contractor to certify the well’s condition.
- Obtaining a well operating permit from the Village and complying with all requirements.
- Abandoning the well in the future if the well no longer produces safe water.
- The well will no longer be covered under the quarries’ well guarantee.
- The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved to fund commercial property private plumbing costs at the following levels.
- Up to $11,890 per property if the well is abandoned.
- Up to $10,050 if the well is not abandoned.
- For folks on existing water main, contact the Village Clerk regarding a 5-year payment plan option if you cannot pay your $7,692 impact fee in full at the time of connection.
- The Waukesha County Community Foundation’s Village of Lannon Quarry Fund (WCCF Quarry Fund) has approved funding the full cost of private well abandonments, up to $1,840 per well.
- Mid City is already contracted to complete this work for residences.
- If you have already received a grant from the DNR for this work, those funds must be expended first.
- The WCCF Quarry Fund has approved to fund commercial property private plumbing costs at the following levels.
- Up to $11,890 per property if the well is abandoned.
- Up to $10,050 if the well is not abandoned.
- Mid City will contact property owners after the water main has been installed to schedule completion of the private property work.
- Note that if you do not provide access to the Contractor, you will become liable for additional costs related to the delays (extra mobilizations, overtime pay, etc.).
- The Village Board has placed a temporary moratorium on the mandatory well abandonment aspect of the Village Ordinances. The Board will consider an ordinance revision that may allow private wells to be kept for outdoor use, but not for drinking water.
- For folks on existing water main, contact the Village Clerk regarding a 5-year payment plan option if you cannot pay your $7,692 impact fee in full at the time of connection.
- Mid City will contact property owners after the water main has been installed to schedule completion of the private property work.
- Note that if you do not provide access to the Contractor, you will become liable for additional costs related to the delays (extra mobilizations, overtime pay, etc.).
- The Village Board has placed a temporary moratorium on the mandatory well abandonment aspect of the Village Ordinances. The Board will consider an ordinance revision that may allow private wells to be kept for outdoor use, but not for drinking water.
- For folks on existing water main, contact the Village regarding a 5-year payment plan option if you cannot pay your $7,692 impact fee in full at the time of connection.
- Mid City has completed as much work as possible until Vinton begins installing public water mains. Mid-City will resume work when the public water main work is underway.
- The Village Board has placed a temporary moratorium on the mandatory well abandonment aspect of the Village Ordinances. The Board will consider an ordinance revision that may allow private wells to be kept for outdoor use, but not for drinking water.
- Thank you to all who have turned in your agreement. Note that if you do not provide access to the Contractor, you will become liable for additional costs related to the delays (extra mobilizations, overtime pay, etc.).
- For folks on existing water main, contact the Village regarding a 5-year payment plan option if you cannot pay your $7,692 impact fee in full at the time of connection.
PRIVATE PROPERTY UPDATE – 1/14/21 – 1/30/21
- 155 of 168 residential property owner agreements have been turned in to date. Thank you to all who have turned in your agreement. Note that if you do not provide access to the Contractor, you will become liable for additional costs related to the delays (extra mobilizations, overtime pay, etc).
- Private service lateral installation is proceeding throughout the Village, including Lake, Vine, Forestview, Parkview, Good Hope Road, and Main Street.
- Basement “Pre-Piping” is taking place in the same areas. Once the pre-piping is complete, the water meters will be installed when the water main is ready.
- 4 properties have been converted to municipal water since December 2020.
- The Village Board voted to approve the first application for payment by the Contractor ($63,840), which has been forwarded to Waukesha County CDBG for processing and payment.
- Note, for folks on existing water main, contact the Village regarding a 5-year payment plan option if you cannot pay your $7,692 impact fee in full at the time of connection.
PRIVATE PROPERTY UPDATE – 12/17/20 – 12/31/20
- Final Notice of agreements for the County to cover the cost of your private plumbing work were sent by certified mail on 12/10/2020. Final deadline is December 18, 2020. If you have outstanding questions, please contact Mid City or the Village Engineer immediately. Many answers to the questions appearing on social media are answered on this webpage. If you do not return the agreement, you are acknowledging that you will hire your own contractor and pay them at your own cost to complete the work without assistance of County grants.
- Private service laterals are being installed in the areas of Lake, State, and Vine Streets.
- Mid City is off on December 24th and 25th as well as December 31st and January 1st.