Plan of Operation Form
All businesses are required to have a current plan of operation on file with the Village.
Business Ordinances
Waukesha Co. GIS
Plan of Operation Site Plans can be easily created by using the Waukesha Co. GIS. Zoom to your parcel, turn on the appropriate Map Layers (Parcels, Environmental, Floodplains, Topography, and 2015 Aerial Photo), print your map as a PDF (Tasks>Print Map), and mark up additional required information using PDF comments. Alternatively, you can print a color version of your map and draw additional information to scale by hand.
Zoning Admin. & Enforcement Ordinances
This chapter includes site plan requirements. Site plans are required to accompany the plan of operation. The Plan of Operation application can be found under “Documents and Forms”. Refer to the Living In Lannon section for the Zoning Map and a link to general Zoning ordinances including conditional uses.
Sign Ordinance
This ordinance generally covers the sign application process. The sign permit application can be found under Documents and Forms.
Sign Zoning Ordinance
This chapter addresses specific sign requirements.