Representatives of the Village of Lannon have informally inquired about the taxability of grant funds received by property owners in conjunction with the expansion of the municipal water system.
The Village has been advised by its legal counsel that no definitive guidance can be provided by the Village except that the IRS will treat as income a DNR grant award greater than $600 that is associated with a 1099 Form and should be accounted for when filing tax returns. In all other instances, grant recipients are urged to consult with their tax adviser to consider their individual circumstances. The Village is unable to advise individuals about their tax liability, nor to procure funds to off-set any tax liability resulting from external financial assistance received.
The Village has revised the Well Operation Permit Form after receiving clarification from the DNR that the Well Casing and Depth Verification Report is not required until the well is serviced in the future. The Well Operation Permit Instructions have been revised accordingly. The Well Operation Permit Instructions also provide some examples of how much the municipal water will cost to perform some routine “outside use” duties such as watering a garden or washing a car. Keep these figures in mind when deciding whether or not to keep your well. Also see DNR Compliance Report.
Mid City is currently performing well abandonments so you may see Mid City staff in your yard working if you previously communicated that you would like your well abandoned. They may pull your pump one day and return a different day to fill the well. If the well is located in a grass area, they will be returning in spring to restore the lawn. If you have any questions regarding the well abandonment, please call Sarah at Mid City at 262-781-5940.